LF and LS cable

First of all: NF cables refer to low-frequency cables and LS cables to loudspeaker cables

If you are from NF-cables speaks are often the Cinch- mean cable. With them you connect z. B. the DVD-Player with the amplifier.

RCA cables cannot transmit currents as they are designed for Loudspeakers are required, but transferred to each Channel separately the analogue music signal (which consists of voltage).

LF:LS cable

These are at this point the system very weak and sensitive, so the cable must be specially designed.

A good one in particular shielding is necessary here. For this reason, most NF cables are at least coaxial, which means a signal conductor and a shield that is also used as a return conductor.

Better transmissions guarantee symmetrical or even double-symmetrical constructions.
But what are unbalanced and balanced cable constructions?

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Unbalanced connection (= cinch connections)

There are two forms here: the simplest consists of an inner conductor (wire, core or soul) for the positive contact and a shield surrounding the inner conductor for the negative contact.

Here the shield, which is supposed to protect the cable from interference, is used for the Signal myself. At both ends I have so-called cinch plugs.

The other, more complex version of cinch cabling is the separation of shield and negative conductor. For this type of connection you need two inner conductors - for plus and minus - which are surrounded by a separate shield.

It should be noted that the screen should only be connected to the negative pole on one side. This ensures full shielding on the one hand and prevents the shield from being in the signal path on the other.

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Balanced connection (= XLR connections)

With the symmetrical connection we are at the most complex form of cabling.

In addition to the shielding, you need three signal conductors and a (XLR-) Connector that offers these three contacts on both sides. The devices involved must also have the appropriate sockets for symmetrical operation, which is usually only found in the high-end sector.

Balanced cabling uses two positive wires, with the appropriate signal being fed into one of the two wires in opposite phase (180° out of phase). The amplifier then reverses this phase shift.

If a disturbance occurs on the way to the amplifier, it will inevitably affect both conductors in phase.

After the phase adjustment, however, we are ultimately dealing with signals that are exactly in antiphase, which therefore completely balance each other out. If there are very long signal paths, the XLR
Cabling of the cinch cabling audibly preferable.

LS cables are for connections between Speakers and the amplifier intended.
These carry larger currents, so the cables must have a larger cross-section to compensate for the losses Klang and Performance to minimize.

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