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  9. Ergonomic working – mouse pad with palm rest

Ergonomic working – mouse pad with palm rest

Comparative winner of the editors TECKNET Mouse Pad with Gel Cushion, Memory Foam Mousepad Ergonomic Waterproof Comfort Mouse Mat with Wrist Pad Palm Rest for All Mouse Offfice Home Computer Laptop

Ergonomic working – mouse pad with palm rest

the essentials in brief

Do you need a mouse pad?

A mouse pad is not strictly necessary, but it can improve mouse control and extend the life of the mouse. You can get more information here.

Which mouse pads do you recommend?

Recommended mouse pads are those with a smooth and even surface that allow precise and fast mouse control.

Should you wash the mouse pad?

In order to ensure full hygiene at the workplace, it is important to wash the mouse pad as well. You can find more information about this here.

Wrist rest mouse pads are a popular choice for people who who work or play on the computer. They provide a comfortable and supportive surface for the hand and wrist and can help reduce wrist pain and fatigue.

What problems can arise from using a mouse?

Using a computer mouse can lead to various problems at hand, especially when working long hours at the computer. We have summarized the most common problems for you:

  • wrist pain: Working at a computer for a long time can lead to wrist pain, especially if the wrists are held in one position for a long time.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs through the wrist, is compressed. Using a computer mouse can help develop carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • tendinitis: The constant movement of your hand while using a computer mouse can cause the tendons in your wrist to become inflamed.
  • tennis elbow: The constant repetition of hand movements when using a computer mouse can cause the elbow to become inflamed, known as tennis elbow.
  • Pain in the neck and shoulders: If the work area is not ergonomically designed, it can lead to neck and shoulder pain due to unhealthy posture when using the mouse.

It's important to adopt ergonomic measures to avoid these problems, such as using a mouse with a palm rest or arranging the workspace to reduce strain on the wrists and posture.

An ergonomic mouse pad with a palm rest can bring great relief.

What's the use of a mouse pad?

A mouse pad is a flat piece of material placed under the computer mouse. It can be made of different materials such as rubber, fabric or plastic and can have a smooth or textured surface. A mouse pad has several advantages:

  • Improved mouse control: A mouse pad provides a smooth and even surface that is easier and more accurate to control the mouse than uneven or shiny surfaces.
  • Protection of the table surface: A mouse pad protects the table surface from scratches and abrasions caused by the friction of the mouse.
A mouse mat with a wrist rest has many advantages.
  • Better hygiene: A mouse pad can be easily cleaned and prevents dirt and dust from accumulating on the table surface, improving hygiene.
  • Extending the life of the mouse: A mouse pad can help the mouse last longer by reducing friction and protecting the mouse feet from wear and tear.

All in all, a mouse pad can improve mouse control, extend the life of the mouse and optimize hygiene.

Tip: Make sure the mouse pad is large enough to support your mouse and hand and allow room for movement without restricting your workspace too much.

Mouse pad with wrist rest

A mouse pad with wrist rest is a special mouse pad that provides extra padding or cushioned support, on which the wrists can be supported when using the computer mouse. The mouse pad with wrist rest is normally off soft material such as gel, foam or memory foam and is designed to reduce wrist pain and fatigue by reducing pressure on the wrist and stabilizing the wrists.

A mouse pad with wrist rest can in different sizes and designs available and can be a useful addition to an ergonomic workplace. Palm rest mouse pads are particularly popular with people who spend long hours at the computer, such as Eg office workers, graphic designers, gamers and programmers. By reducing pressure on the wrist, wrist rest mouse pads can help reduce pain and discomfort that can be caused by repetitive hand movements.

Note: When it comes to mouse pads, it is important to choose a pad that matches the type of mouse you are using. A mouse with an optical or Laser-Tracking works best on a smooth mouse pad, while a ball mouse works better on a textured mouse pad.

Another benefit of ergonomic mouse pads with palm rests is that they improve mouse precision and control, as they stabilize the wrists and allow for a smoother hand movement. However, there are also some disadvantages, such as the additional desk space required and potential hand movement limitations. Overall, using a mouse pad with a wrist rest can help reduce wrist pain and fatigue and improve mouse control precision, if used correctly.

Ergonomic work on the computer

Ergonomic working at the computer is important to reduce physical stress and pain, which can be caused by unhealthy posture and repetitive movements. An ergonomically designed workspace can help reduce wrist pain, neck pain, back pain, and eye strain.

key fact box

An important key fact about ergonomic working is that it aims to adapt the workplace to the needs and requirements of the user in order to reduce physical strain and pain and improve productivity and efficiency. Ergonomic working refers to the design of the workplace, including the positioning of the screen, keyboard and mouse, office chairs, and lighting, to promote healthy posture and prevent ailments such as wrist pain, neck pain, and back pain.

The design of the workplace, including the positioning of the screen, keyboard and mouse, office chairs and lighting, can improve the user's posture and movements, to promote a healthy and comfortable working posture.

Ergonomic work can also improve productivity and efficiency, by allowing users to work comfortably and pain-free for longer periods of time without suffering from physical discomfort. Overall, ergonomic computing is important to improve the health and well-being of users and prevent long-term bodily harm.

mouse pad and gaming

The mouse pad plays an important role in gaming, as it can affect the accuracy, speed and control of mouse movements. A good gaming mouse pad with wrist rest provides a smooth, even surface on which to move the mouse precisely and quickly without slipping or slipping.

A special gaming mouse pad with wrist rest has many advantages when playing.

By using a mouse pad specially designed for gaming, gamers can better control mouse movements and improve response times, which is particularly important can be an advantage in fast, action-packed games. In addition, a gaming mouse pad can also help protect the mouse from wear and tear and provide better mouse control on all surfaces.

Overall, gaming mouse pad with wrist rest plays an important role in gaming by improving the precision, control and speed of mouse movements and improving the Performance of the player increases.


A wrist rest on the mouse pad can help reduce wrist pressure, which is especially important when using computer mice for long periods of time. This can prevent wrist pain and fatigue.
The palm rest allows you to stabilize your wrists and control your mouse more precisely, which can be particularly beneficial when gaming or doing graphic work.
A wrist pad mouse mat can make computer use more comfortable overall by providing a soft and supportive surface for your hand and wrist.


Wrist rest mouse pads are typically designed for right-handed users and may be uncomfortable for left-handed users.
Wrist rest mouse pads take up more desk space than traditional mouse pads, which can be problematic in smaller workspaces.
A palm rest can restrict your hand's range of motion, which can be detrimental, especially when playing fast-paced games or working with large graphics.

The mouse pad as a supporting surface

In summary, ergonomic mouse pads with wrist rests are a popular choice for people who who spend long hours at the computer. They offer one comfortable and supportive surface for the wrists and can help reduce wrist pain and fatigue. Wrist rest mouse pads can also improve mouse precision and control by stabilizing wrists and allowing smoother hand movement.

However, it is important that the mouse pad fits the type of mouse you are using and that it offers enough space to allow movement without overly restricting the work area. Another important note is that it is beneficial to regularly clean the mouse pad to prevent dirt and dust build-up, which can affect mouse control.

FAQ about mouse pad with wrist rest test winner

What else can you use as a mouse pad?

Magazines, books or other flat objects can also be used as a mouse pad, but a special mouse pad offers a better surface and more precision.

How big does a mouse pad have to be?

The size of the mouse pad depends on the size of the workspace, but it should be large enough to support the mouse and hand and allow room for movement.

Which mouse pad should you use for an ergonomic mouse?

For an ergonomic mouse, you should choose a mouse pad with a smooth surface, because an ergonomic mouse usually works better on a smooth surface.
