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  7. Vacuum robot: Is it worth buying and what should you consider?

Vacuum robot: Is it worth buying and what should you consider?

Vacuum robot: Is it worth buying and what should you consider?

Does the vacuum robot replace the conventional vacuum cleaner?

Staubsaugerroboter have less suction power compared to manual vacuum cleaners. However, they make up for this by regularly cleaning the apartment and thus ensuring constant cleanliness. Depending on the degree of soiling, it is either no longer necessary to vacuum by hand at all or only much less frequently.

This is an advantage, for example, for employed or elderly people who find it difficult to access many areas in the home with a normal Vacuum cleaner reachable. The Staubsaugerroboter gets into all corners of your home, even in hard-to-reach places.

Robot vacuums are also suitable for allergy sufferers, as many models are equipped with HEPA filters. Likewise, the air compared to conventional Vacuum cleaner significantly less agitated.

As technology advances, more and more features like automation, customizable settings, and voice recognition are coming in Staubsaugerroboter integrated, making them even more user-friendly and convenient. If you want to use this comfort, then you can see the best vacuum robots here. Different models were compared there so that you can find a suitable device for your requirements.

How good is the cleaning performance?

While vacuum robots were more exciting than efficient a few years ago, that has now changed: There are many models on the market that are enormously intelligent and ensure really thorough cleaning. Instead of wandering around aimlessly like the first models, modern robots can clean floors systematically and thoroughly thanks to improved sensors and algorithms.

The devices also offer greater flexibility for users as many of them can be programmed and per room Laser or measure infrared. These robots know how best to clean each area of ​​the room by calculating where there are corners, obstacles and stairs. In many cases, remote control via an app is also possible, which offers users even more convenience.

Some vacuum robots create cleaning cards

Likewise, some of the latest models feature advanced features like the mapping technology, the apartment is represented three-dimensionally on a map. The vacuum robot always knows where it is and which areas have already been cleaned.

This allows the device to ensure that all dirt is picked up and no areas are missed during cleaning. In addition, certain restricted zones can be set up within the app. These are areas that the vacuum robot should not drive into. For example around vases or curtains reaching to the floor.

What should you pay attention to when buying?

If you have one Staubsaugerroboter want to buy, the suction power is the essential criterion that you should consider. Not all Vacuum cleaner are able to absorb the same amount of dirt and debris. Therefore, it is important to choose a model that suits your unique needs. For example, not all vacuum robots can cleaning carpets, there are some models specially adapted for this.

On top of that, you should pay attention to the programmability, with almost all models you can specify when the cleaning starts or ends. The robot also cleans when you are not at home. Battery life and charging times are also important factors in deciding which model is best for you. The larger the living space, the stronger the battery should be.

In addition, the dust container should be easy to empty after each cleaning, so that your home stays free of dirt and debris. Another point to keep in mind is the noise level: while most robots aren't overly loud, they will whirr incessantly during operation, which can be annoying if you're home during cleaning cycles. It is therefore important that you research the noise levels available before making a purchase.

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