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  7. 5 practical SEO tips for your website

5 practical SEO tips for your website

5 practical SEO tips for your website

What is SEO again? Exactly: search engine optimization. No website operator can avoid this today. But this instrument does not have to be rocket science. The following SEO tips show you how you can improve the ranking of your site with simple measures.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, has come a long way since then. In the beginning it was enough to feed the bot with the right words, today SEO is much more complex. The complex algorithm of Google and other search engines now looks at many parameters, including:
• Keywords
• Loading time
• Timeliness of the site
• Usability
• Uniqueness and quality of content
• Mobile Optimization
There are more than 200 ranking factors in total. is successful SEO therefore (too) difficult for you? We believe: no. With our SEO tips, you can easily get your site up and running and in the ranking where it can be found.

SEO Tip #1: Keywords

Anyone who is supposed to find your content searches with a specific intention – and enters a specific word or term, the keyword. The best way to find the right keywords is to ask yourself two questions: Which words and combinations reflect my offer? And which ones meet the search intentions of my potential users? The intersection results in your most relevant keywords.

There are various tools to help you with your research. Some you can use for free, such as the Google Keyword Planner. Others are chargeable, but can also do more, for example Ahrefs, KW Finder or Semrush.
If your SEO reflects the search intentions well with these simple tips, you have a good chance of being found even without a niche. You can map different search intentions using different keywords on various subpages.
So summarize your offer in such a way that there are topic chunks that you can pepper with a main keyword and various long-tail keywords. With the structure of your page, you then also map the distribution of your keywords.

SEO Tip #2: Does Google Already Know Your Pages?

In order to rank on Google, you first need to find out if the search engine has already indexed your pages. You can find out what they are with a site query. It's very simple: In the search window on Google, enter site: and then the URL of your website, for example great-site.com.

As a result, the search engine lists all subpages that it already knows. So you can see which pages are still missing. If your website is already quite extensive, you can also search for specific sections. For example, you can find all pages in a certain category if you enter after site: tolle-seite.de/ichbineinecategorie. If you want to exclude subdomains, enter www.tolle-seite.de. In this way, various areas of the page can be checked for search engine optimization.

SEO tip no. 3: Always keep an eye on the user

It used to be optimized for machines. Today you optimize for your users. The search engine likes what resonates with them. One of the best SEO tips is therefore a consistent user focus: What are the users looking for on your site? How would you like to consume the content? Which actions do you want to carry out and how can you do this as conveniently as possible? In short: In addition to the content, good usability is worth its weight in gold for your ranking.

Your advantage: With user focus, you can achieve a lot without much technical know-how. In the content you can go into exactly what your users are looking for. With internal links, you help them to find more relevant content - and keep them on the page longer. Fast loading times and mobile optimization ensure greater convenience. So your users have fun - and you have good search engine optimization without much effort.

SEO Tip #4: Less is more

SEO tips are sometimes confusing because there are countless measures. But you are always right if you are always aware that a strict focus brings more than that watering can principle. Not every one of your subpages has to rank on Google - only those that bring your users to you and really interest them.

This also applies to link building. Don't just scatter your links just about anywhere, but try to place them on the pages that are really relevant to you. For example, if you sell pruning shears, a link on “My beautiful garden” is much more valuable to you than 100 links on small digital editions of local newspapers.

Last but not least, well-focused content also contributes to search engine optimization. Use your content to answer questions that really interest and concern your users. Then the search engine evaluates your entire site, even if not every subpage answers everything.

SEO Tip #5: Look at the big picture

SEO tips often include many measures. For a good reason: If you consider all aspects of optimization as a holistic concept and go through with it from start to finish, the search engine will reward you with a better ranking. It is therefore worthwhile to deal with the various aspects from keywords to usability to technical optimization - and to implement search engine optimization in all areas right from the start.


SummerSEO is a great way to improve your website rankings and drive more traffic to your site. But you should also keep some other things in mind. The summer SEO setup includes the following tips:

Adapt your website to the seasonal searches.

Consider that in summer many people are looking for vacation and travel. So adapt the content of your website accordingly. For example, create a page about the best travel destinations for summer holidays or the best tips for planning a vacation trip.

Use seasonal keywords.

Summer is a great time to optimize your site for seasonal keywords. For example, use keywords like “summer vacation”, “summer travel”, “beach vacation” or “sunbathing”. This way you can be found better in the search results.

Create seasonal content.

Use the summertime to create seasonal content such as travelogues, tips for vacation planning or recipes for delicious summer dishes. This way you can make your website more interesting and useful for the visitors.

Use summery pictures and videos.

Images and videos are a great way to draw visitors' attention to your website. Use the summery motifs to make your pictures and videos more interesting.

Take advantage of seasonal promotions.

Summer time is the perfect time for seasonal promotions such as special offers, discounts or sweepstakes. This way you can attract more visitors to your website and improve the conversion rate.

Promote your website on social media.

Social media is a great way to spread the word about your website. Share your seasonal content on social media and give your website a boost.

Stay up to date.

Follow developments in the world of search engine optimization and adapt your strategies accordingly. SommerSEO is an ongoing process and you should always stay up to date.

With these tips you can optimally prepare your website for the summer months. Use the season to improve your rankings and generate more traffic.

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